Let's modernise compliance training

Get away from the ‘click and tick’ culture of mandatory training and easily report on the compliance of your teams. 

learning and development LMS BuildEmpire

Make compliance a priority

Get compliance wrong and it can result in hefty fines and poor working performance. But with our compliance training too, you can ensure that your learners are getting the resources they need, when they need them. 

  • Personalised learning
  • Notifications
  • Manager reporting
healthcare compliance training LMS

Tailored learning dashboards

Need to push particular content to a particular group of employees? With our smart audience targeting, you can push the content that matters most. 

Report on your stats

Tracking your compliance rates in real-time can become time-consuming. 

With our platform, admin users can access overview reporting. Not only that, but managers will be able to access an overview of their teams to address any knowledge gaps. 

Is your current learning platform provider no longer meeting your needs?

Find out how simple it is to switch to BuildEmpire today.

Trusted to deliver learning experiences for...

Creating a more flexible learning platform for Bugaboo

A global company with staff across the world, localised content and translation were key issues that Totara helped to solve.