The perfect platform has no limitations.

Specialising in custom development, we fill any gaps  between the standard learning platform and your exact requirements by building bespoke applications.

bespoke applications

Bespoke applications are custom development elements which provide specific features and functionality.

We are one of the only Totara Partners able to build unique applications, plugins and integrations into your learning management system, should they be required as part of your learning solution.

With BuildEmpire you’re not tied to a roadmap or time frame for specific features, you can create a learning environment that precisely matches your requirements, fully configured to your needs. Just think of us as your dedicated L&D department.

Bespoke applications might include some of the following, but we really can build anything...

Performance management
Automated workflow
Mobile responsive
Language translation
Course management
File, folder & link uploads
Compliance management
Custom report building
Activity tracking

Do you need a bespoke application building for your learning platform?

Not a problem, we’re one of the only Totara partners able to do this.